Datagate Services Team | Aug 18, 2022
Release Notes is our update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
💡What's New?
💻 Platform Updates
Multi-factor Authentication
As an added layer of security, you will now be able to configure two-factor authorization for your Datagate admin portal. To do so, head to Settings > Portal > Authentication Settings tile. How to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
From here, you can click the checkbox to enable two-factor authentication for all users of the admin portal.
After that, when your users login to Datagate, they will be required to configure their one-time passcode.
Note: enabling 2FA will log out all users from the system to configure their passcode.
Import Product Kit Template Assignments
To make it easier to quickly assign Product Kits to your customers, you can now import Product Kit Assignments.
This functionality is similar to the Product Template Assignment import and can be found in the import tool.
Emailing Invoices
If an invoice has already been emailed, and you would like to email it again, click the actions dropdown and choose “Re-email selected”. Previously “Email Selected’ would have re-sent the email.
This is a protection to ensure you really do want to send this to the customer again.
Select Invoices On One Page
The Select All checkbox on the “Action Invoices” screen now selects only invoices showing on the current page.
To select all the invoices, across all pages instead, click the new “Select all” option.
It is strongly advised to use the search criteria to filter the invoice list, before using the Select All functionality. For example, search by Invoice Date before using Select All.
💳 Stripe Integration
Direct Debit Payments (ACH, BECS, BACS)
You can now collect Direct Debit payments from your customers using the End Customer Portal.
To enable this functionality, head to Settings > Integrations > Stripe (Details) > Payment Methods. From here, you can select the direct debit payment method that is appropriate for your region (ACH - US, BECS - AU, BACS - GB).
Your customers can then logon to the End Customer Portal, and store their payment information.
⚙️ ConnectWise Integration
Invoice Number Sync Defaults
To make the ConnectWise Invoice Number Sync easier, Datagate will now automatically fill in the ConnectWise Invoice field based on the latest invoices created for the associated agreement.
You will also now see a new column with the associated Datagate agreement name for each invoice.
Remember Last Agreement for Export
If you do not have “Use Default Agreement” selected in your ConnectWise integration settings, Datagate will now automatically remember the last ConnectWise agreement you selected when exporting Datagate invoices to ConnectWise agreements.
🧰 HaloPSA Integration (Phase 1)
We are excited to announce our newest integration to HaloPSA!
This integration will be released in a number of phases.
If you are interested to know more about the Datagate Halo integration, please contact your consultant or Datagate support. Please do not enable a new integration unless you are familiar with the impact on your Live system.
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