Datagate Services Team | Mar 21, 2024
Release Notes is our update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
⚡️ What's New? ⚡️
💻 Platform Updates
eBill Processing
We have made enhancements to the processing of eBills. Users should experience faster processing while the eBill is importing to Datagate, allowing Customer invoices to be generated sooner.
If a Pricebook price is changed after an eBill has been priced, you can reprocess the relevant customers by selecting them in the Customers menu, and choosing "Reset Usages and E-bills".
Service Item Description
The Service Item Description now displays on the drop-down in the Products and Product Templates screens. If you apply Service Items to Products, this will help you find the Service Items.
End Customer Portal
Logos that need to be resized on the screen, will be resized proportionately.
😇 HaloPSA Integration
Group Product Lines
If you have multiple invoice lines for a Customer, you can now consolidate them when exporting to HaloPSA. To do so, please be sure to check the following box (see image below) when exporting.
Lines with the same name and price will be consolidated.
Xero Branding Theme
We now allow you to choose a branding theme when exporting invoices to Halo.
This is for HaloPSA and Xero users that identify auto-bill customers using the Xero branding theme:
Force Sync
The Force Sync now starts shortly after pressing the button.
🏛️ CereTax Integration
Datagate will now provide more information about any errors received from Ceretax during tax calculations.
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