Datagate Services Team | Feb 21, 2024
Release Notes is our update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
⚡️ What's New? ⚡️
💻 Platform Updates
Payment Receipts
A Payment receipt can be configured from within Datagate. This can be used if Payments are taken within Datagate, and the payment processor doesn't send the receipt themselves. For more information contact support.
Accounts Receivable
As part of our ongoing improvements to A/R, we have put the Customer's financial details in the "Finances" tab.
Standard Reports - Usage
The Cost Centre is now an available column in this report.
Price Book For eBills
You can now set a Default Price Book. If a Price Book isn't assigned to the Customer, the default will be used.
Public API - Invoices
You can now obtain details of your invoices using the Public API. This was designed so you can write your own export to an Accounting System of your choice.
Product Templates
You can now display a Pro Rata column on the main Product Templates screen.
😇 HaloPSA Integration
Agreement End Date
If you have "Use Default Agreement" set to False, the end date of the HaloPSA contract now synchronizes with the Datagate agreement end date
Invoice PDF
The Datagate invoice PDF can now be exported to HaloPSA.
🦉 ConnectWise PSA Integration
Standard and Miscellaneous Invoice Imports
Datagate will now wait for a change of invoice status before importing an invoice from Connectwise. This allows for changes to be made to the invoice before sending to Datagate. This status can be specified in Settings/ Integrations/ ConnectWise Manage.
Datagate will now import the Purchase Order number from the Miscellaneous invoice, which can be displayed on the Datagate invoice if required.
Longer invoice descriptions can be imported from ConnectWise, these typically originate from ConnectWise Manage Service Ticket descriptions. This can be displayed on the Datagate invoice PDF.
Importing Kits into Datagate
Datagate now imports the Quantity to Bill when importing Agreement additions to a Kit in Datagate
⚙️ Datto Autotask Integration
Product Extra Fields
If there are no User-defined fields in Autotask, the Datagate Product Extra fields will retain the values entered in Datagate.
📗 Quickbooks Online Integration
Customer Postal Address Line 2
The Customer Postal Address line 2 is now imported into Datagate.
🏛️ CereTax Integration
If you are generating invoices with the invoice date in a future month, these invoices will have the current month's taxes on them. All other invoices have taxes based on the invoice date.
e.g. Today is February.
- Generate an invoice dated in February 👉 February taxes are assigned.
- Generate an invoice dated in January 👉 January taxes are assigned.
New: Generate an invoice dated in March. February taxes are assigned
Single Sign-On (SSO)
The registration form for new users is not displayed if:
- Use only SSO Authentication for Users is ON
- We have received enough data from the IdentityProvider to not ask the user additional questions
USA Taxes
The tax type code is now displayed on the "Taxes" tab when you drill into the invoice. This will assist if you are setting specific Customer tax exemptions by Tax type code.
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