The processing of Call Detail Records (Usage) in Datagate involves regular imports, assignment to customers, and pricing, even if the cost is zero. This procedure serves multiple purposes:
- Customer Billing: Ensures customers are appropriately charged for phone calls.
- Cost Assignment: Associates costs, where available, with the customer for profitability reporting.
- Analysis and Optimization: In the USA, facilitates call type analysis for Traffic Studies, potentially influencing taxation rates (consultation with a tax advisor recommended).
Customer Assignment
To assign a Call Detail Record (CDR) to a customer, it's crucial for Datagate to identify the corresponding phone number. All phone numbers are treated as Service Items in Datagate. Some CDRs may provide additional identification through an Alias, such as a subaccount or domain, which can be linked to a single Service Item. The Alias may match the Service Item or be a unique identifier. Typically, the Alias is also used as the Service Item.
How to Add and Edit Customer Service Items
Determining how to price a CDR involves assigning a Rate Card to the customer. If all customers share the same rate for a particular call type, a default Rate Card can be set, eliminating the need for individual assignments.
Each customer should have a single Rate Card assigned for each call type (e.g., TollFree/Freephone, Tolls, Mobile).
How to Assign Rate Cards and Pricebooks
Datagate provides a comprehensive Exceptions report highlighting CDRs not assigned to a customer and those lacking pricing information. Resolving issues in this report is essential before invoice creation.
To access the Exceptions report: Reports / Standard / Exceptions. Select the period. For efficient management of numerous exceptions, consider exporting to a spreadsheet using the "Export" button.
Unmatched Service Items: Usage
This section identifies Usage without assigned customers. Action required: Add the Service Item and/or Alias to the customer
How to Add and Edit Customer Service Items
No Pricing Available: Usage
This section flags Usage lacking pricing information. Action required: Assign the relevant rate card for the call type (e.g., TollFree/Freephone, Tolls, Mobile) to the customer. If the rate card has been assigned to the Customer, please add a rate to the assigned Rate Card.
How to Assign Rate Cards and Pricebooks
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