Datagate Support | Nov 26, 2017
Rate cards helps Datagate to calculate customer charges based on their service item usage.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
Table of Contents
How to Add a New Rate Card
- Head to the Rating page via the main menu.
- Click on the + button and select Add Rate Card - new Rate Card Details page will open.
- Fill out the required fields and click save - two new tabs will be enabled, Records and Assignments.
- Name - provide a name that is meaningful, so it's clear when you assign to Customers
- Description - provide a meaningful description
- Service - which type of call does it relate to? Choose from the drop-down
- Tax Rate - choose from the drop-down, which will have been configured when your system was first implemented
- Commission Rate - if Usage based on this Rate Card has a different commission rate, please indicate it here. Please enter 0.10 if the commission rate is 10%
- Default - check this box if you want all Usage for this Service to be rated using this rate card. There should be only one Default rate card for each Service.
How to Set Up a Rate Card
- Click the Rate Card you have just created.
- Switch to the Records tab.
- Click on the + button.
- Select the Record Type from the dropdown.
- Input the Supplier Call Type Code that corresponds to what is on the CDRs, or enter the phone number prefix
- Enter the Destination Description if useful
- Select the Tax Rate from the drop-down
- Select the Rating (see below) and add the Rating Amount.
- Enter the Rating Amount (Cost) if the Cost isn't imported from the CDR and you want to track costs vs sell (profitability)
- Choose Duration Rounding
- Enter the Flag Fall fee - i.e. a fixed price that is added to the Rating calculation
- Enter any Free Units - e.g. the first 6 seconds of any call are free. Enter seconds, not minutes.
- Default checkbox is to be used if this is the rate to be used for all calls that don't have a rate. This is rarely used, if you're not sure leave unchecked.
- Click Save.
Rating Types
Rate card Code |
Description |
Flat Rate |
Flat Rate: e.g. $1.00 per call regardless of duration. |
Markup |
Mark-up: e.g. 1.1 = Cost * 1.1. |
Minute Rate |
Minute Rate: Per Minute Rate i.e. $1.00 per minute. Typically call usage is received in seconds, so we divide by 60 before applying the minute rate. The first minute is always charged as a full minute |
Pass Through |
Pass through at supplied Cost. This can be the same as Markup=1 |
Duration Rate |
Price per quantity of one. Typically used for Usage that isn't by the minute - e.g. Mobile data |
Minute + Minute Rate |
All Usage will be rounded up to the next minute before the rate is applied |
Minute Rate with no minimum |
Number of seconds is divided by 60, then this rate is applied. Rounding up to the next minute is not applied |
Duration Rounding
Value | Description |
NO | Usage is rated based on the minutes/seconds received. No rounding occurs |
UP6 | Usage is rounded UP to the next 6 seconds |
UP7 |
Usage is rounded UP to the next 7 seconds |
UP30 |
Usage is rounded UP to the next 30 seconds |
UP60 |
Usage is rounded UP to the next minute |
Note that we may receive usage that has already been rounded up. It's common for Usage to be received already rounded up to the next 6 second interval. e.g. a call of 10 seconds will be received with a duration of 12 seconds. Datagate can't "unround".
Note also that sometimes the rounding has already been done before the rate card is applied. Please contact Support if you suspect this is the case and you no longer want the Usage rounded.
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