When does auto-billing take payments
You can configure Datagate to take payments from your Customers at one of the following times:
- When the invoices are Generated and Sent
- On a separate schedule. You can configure the payment to be taken for all invoices, or only when the due date of the invoices matches the run date.
What invoices are charged
- The Customer is Active
- The Invoice has not been credited (and this is not a Credit Note)
- The Invoice has not been archived
- The Invoice amount is greater than $0.00
- The Customer has entered payment details in the End Customer Portal
- The Customer has "Auto-Pay" checked in the End Customer Portal
- The Invoice is in status: "Sent" or "Sent Manually" or “Paid Failed”
See notes in the sections below for further selection of invoices
Before enabling the "Charge Payments"
- Ensure all Paid existing invoices are marked as Paid or Paid Manually
- Ensure any Inactive Customers are set to Inactive
- Be aware that all Unpaid invoices may be charged (depending on the option selected below).
Take payments when the invoices are generated
- Configure the auto-billing to generate and email invoices How to configure Auto Billing
- Navigate to Jobs, click on the Job and navigate to the Tasks tab.
- Click "+"
- Select "Charge Invoices"
- Choose to Charge "Immediately"
- Step Options:
- Always - All appropriate invoices immediately after previous steps are completed
- Success - All appropriate invoices immediately after previous steps are completed, only if all invoices were successful on the previous steps. Note that if one invoice fails to generate, no payments are taken for any invoices if you choose this option.
- Delayed - All appropriate invoices after previous steps are completed, but you can delay. If you select this option, please enter the number of minutes to delay. This option gives you some time to review.
This option will take a payment from all invoices that have been generated in this batch. Invoices for prior periods are not charged.
Take payments on a specific date
- Navigate to Jobs, click on "+" to add a new Job
- Give the Job a meaningful name
- Repeats: Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Typically Monthly.
- Choose "On the"
- "At" - Set the approximate time you want this job to start
- Choose the Time Zone you're in (i.e. the timezone for the date and time selected above)
- You have the option of pausing the job before it starts by checking "Paused"
- Press Save. The Next Run will be displayed
- Navigate to the Tasks tab
- Click "+", select Charge Invoices
- Charge: Immediately - take the payment when the job runs
- When: Always.
This option will take a payment from all invoices that are unpaid and match the criteria What invoices are charged. Unpaid invoices for prior periods are charged.
Take payments on the invoice due date
- Navigate to Jobs, click on "+" to add a new Job
- Give the Job a meaningful name
- Repeats: choose "Daily"
- Choose "On the"
- "At" - Set the approximate time you want this job to start
- Choose the Time Zone you're in (i.e. the timezone for the date and time selected above)
- You have the option of pausing the job before it starts by checking "Paused"
- Press Save. The Next Run will be displayed
- Navigate to the Tasks tab
- Click "+", select Charge Invoices
- Charge: Due Date - take the payment if the invoice is on or past its Due Date.
- When: Always.
This option will take a payment from all invoices that are unpaid, due or overdue and match the criteria What invoices are charged. Unpaid invoices for prior periods are charged.
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