Datagate Support | June 15, 2023
Your ConnectWise integration should be configured with the assistance/advice of a Datagate consultant. This guide is a reference. If your ConnectWise integration is already configured, please do not change any settings without first consulting with the Datagate team.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
Table of Contents
- Connect Datagate with ConnectWise
- Settings for exporting to ConnectWise
- Settings if you are exporting to ConnectWise Agreements
- Settings for Customer Synchronization
- Settings for Product Synchronization
This screen is accessed from: Settings/Integrations/ConnectWise Manage
Connect Datagate with ConnectWise
Company name: your ConnectWise company name
Public and Private keys: these are generated when you create the API member in ConnectWise, see xxxx for recommended privileges
ConnectWise URL: Please hover your mouse over the "?" to see an example of the expected format of the URL
Settings for Exporting to ConnectWise
Invoice due date on ConnectWise invoices - This setting is for export to Miscellaneous invoices only. Choose between the Datagate date printed on the PDF, or override when you export it to have the ConnectWise calculated due date.
Merge Similar ProductTransactions - if you check this box, and the invoice has multiple Products with the same Cost and Sell price, and you have mapped the lines to the same ConnectWise product, the lines will be merged. The quantity of all the lines will be added up and a single ConnectWise Product line will be added. This setting is for export to Miscellaneous invoices and Agreements.
Don't Export Zero Amount Invoice Lines - Invoice lines with a Cost and Sell price of $0 will not be exported to ConnectWise.
Settings if you are Exporting to ConnectWise Agreements
What start/end dates to use: Additions (Usage, USA taxes, Surcharges) will be added to ConnectWise Agreements with Effective and Cancelled dates as below:
- Billing Period Dates: Agreement Additions will be added to ConnectWise with Billing Period (Usage) dates.
- Invoice Date: Agreement Additions will be added to ConnectWise with the Invoice Date as both the Effective and Cancelled date
- Billing Period Dates + 1 period: Agreement Additions will be added to ConnectWise with Billing Period (Usage) dates + 1 period (typically one month).
- Billing Period Dates + 2 Periods: Agreement Additions will be added to ConnectWise with Billing Period (Usage) dates + 2 periods (typically two months)
Product Description in ConnectWise Additions: Allows you to use the Datagate description for the Agreement Additions, or the ConnectWise product description
Settings for Customer Synchronization
Synchronize Delivery Methods: the Customer invoice delivery method (email, print etc) will be imported and maintained from ConnectWise
Synchronize Opening Balance from: Allows you to choose which invoice type to get opening balances from for display on the Datagate invoice.
🚨 Note: Please consider if an opening balance on a Datagate invoice makes sense if your customer receives invoices from multiple sources (e.g. Datagate and ConnectWise).
Settings for Product Synchronization
Enable Products Sync: Check this box to maintain Agreement Additions in ConnectWise and have them imported regularly into Datagate
Tax Type: Choose the Tax Software you are using
Agreement Type: Optional. Choose the agreement type(s) to import to Datagate. If left blank, all Agreement types will import, selection will be using the Product Synchronization filters.
Update Sites:
- Only on first sync - after that it is expected you will maintain Product Sites in Datagate
- Always - Datagate Product Sites are kept in sync with ConnectWise
- Never - Datagate Product Sites are maintained in Datagate only.
Use Default Agreement: If Yes, a single Agreement in Datagate will be created, and all Agreement additions will be assigned to the Default Agreement in Datagate. This means Datagate will generate a single invoice per customer per month. Note - site information is retained from the Agreement.
If No, Datagate will create an Agreement for every Agreement in ConnectWise. This means Datagate will generate an invoice for each Agreement each month.
Use Portal's Default Billing Start Date: Only applicable if Use Default Agreement is No.
- If Yes, Datagate will Use the setting in Settings/Portal/Default Billing Start Date as the Agreement start date.
- If No, Datagate will use the ConnectWise Agreement Start date as the Agreement start date. We typically do not advise this setting, due to the way ConnectWise does its billing
Synchronize Agreement Invoicing Settings: Only relevant if Use Default Agreement is No. Characteristics, such as email address, of the ConnectWise Agreement will be imported to the Datagate Agreement.
Sync Agreements without Products: Only relevant if Use Default Agreement is No. If Yes, Agreements that match the Agreement Type criteria will be imported even if there are no Additions to the agreement.
In Advance Settings: Determines the relationship between the Usage period and the Products.
Enable to use Site Zip Tax for new customers: For USA and Canada users.
Recommended setting:
- If yes, the tax engine will use the Site's zip code for tax purposes if there is a Site assigned to the charge, otherwise will use the Customer's zip code.
- If no, the tax engine will always use the Customer's zip code.
Allow Pro Rata: Allow Datagate to calculate a pro rata charge when products start or end part way through the month
Synchronize Product Categories: If Yes, Product Categories from ConnectWise Products will be imported to Datagate Product Categories. Usually only used for customized invoice layouts.
Last Successful Sync: Displays the date and time of the last successful sync. You can change the timezone for this in Username/My Details.
Force Sync: Press this button to force the sync to run in the short term. Refresh the screen to check the Last Successful Sync to determine when it has completed. It would usually take at least 10 minutes, often longer.
Product Synchronization Filters:
Use these filters to select the (recurring) Products to import to Datagate. Ensure that any charges calculated by Datagate directly (USA taxes, Surcharges and Usage Products) are not included in the selection criteria.
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