Datagate Support | Feb 21, 2023
Read this document to learn how to export invoices from Datagate to ConnectWise agreements.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Services Team.
Table of Contents
- Why export Datagate invoices to ConnectWise agreements
- Prerequisites
- How to export invoice(s)
- How to Update the ConnectWise invoice number
Why export Datagate invoices to ConnectWise agreements
You might export Datagate invoices to ConnectWise agreements for any the following reasons:
- You want the customer balance in ConnectWise to include the Datagate invoices
- You want to export all invoices to your accounting system from a single place, in this case ConnectWise
- You want all information (including invoices) related to the customer to be in one place, in this case ConnectWise
- You want to do some reporting on ConnectWise agreements and have that reporting include Datagate invoices
- You want your ConnectWise financial dashboard to show Datagate invoices as Recurring revenue
- A ConnectWise Product for usage (if applicable), or multiple products should exist. Typically, Usage charges are exported to a single product, but you have the option to, for example, export TollFree usage to its own product and Tolls usage to a different product.
- USA or Canada - One or multiple ConnectWise products should exist for taxes.
- USA or Canada - A product for the Cost/Regulatory Recovery Fee (Surcharge) if applicable.
- Effective date of agreements in ConnectWise should be before the billing start date in Datagate.
- If you do not have the ConnectWise Product Sync enabled, one or multiple ConnectWise Products for Monthly Recurring Charges should exist.
How to export invoice(s)
Go to Invoicing/Action Invoices and select invoices in the “Sent” or “Sent Manually” status.
💡 Hint: To ensure you only select invoices for the period you want to bill, first Search by InvoiceDate
Choose Actions/Export Invoice
If this is the first time you have exported to ConnectWise, please review all the steps below before starting. You may need to set up some new Products in ConnectWise before beginning.
🚨Note: you can terminate the wizard at any step except the final step, and the invoices won’t be exported.
Step 1:
These are filters for the next screens.
They're useful if you have a large number of agreements or Products in ConnectWise - it speeds up the following screens and reduces the number of items to select from.
Step 2:
Choose the agreement you'd like to export your charges to
Step 3: Grouping Type
Please choose how you'd like to group (sum) any Usage charges.
Step 4: Services Mapping
Please choose the ConnectWise product to map each Usage charge to.
Step 5: Product Mapping
- If you have the ConnectWise Product Sync enabled, your Products are already in the agreement. You don't want to export them again, so check the box "Exclude Recurring Products".
- If the ConnectWise Product Sync is not enabled, you do want to export your recurring charges, so select a ConnectWise product(s) to map the Datagate products to.
Step 6: Surcharge Mapping (mostly used in USA)
Leave the box "Combine Surcharges with Taxes" unchecked.
If you have a Surcharge, typically a Cost Recovery Fee in USA, select a ConnectWise product to map the charge to.
Step 7: Tax Mapping - USA and Canada only
- Don't export taxes - taxes will not be exported to ConnectWise.
- Multiline taxes - Each tax can be mapped to its own ConnectWise Product. Different taxes can be exported to the same ConnectWise Product.
- Split Taxes by State - An option if you want to split Sales tax for different States into different ConnectWise Products
Select a ConnectWise Product for each tax.
Step 8: Existing Items
Always choose to Keep Existing Items.
Step 9: Price Calculation
This is for usage.
- If you select Summarised (the most common), usage charges will be sent to ConnectWise with Quantity=1 and Amount=$total amount for that usage.
- If you select "Average Payment", the number of minutes (or MB etc, depending on the Usage unit) will be sent to ConnectWise in the Quantity field. The Unit Amount will be averaged so the line has the correct value.
Select Export.
Once the export has been completed, the Connectwise Agreement will have an Additional line for each appropriate invoice line from the Datagate Invoice.
The next step is to invoice the agreement in ConnectWise.
Once your agreements are invoiced, you have the option to update the ConnectWise invoice number to match the Datagate one. This would be used if the Datagate-formatted invoice PDF is sent to the customer.
How to Update the ConnectWise invoice number
From Invoicing/ Action Invoices, select the same invoices
Then export invoices.
ConnectWise Invoice Number sync.
A common accounting practice when there are interfaces, is to reconcile the invoice dollar amounts between ConnectWise and Datagate. Datagate recommends
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